bottle_rest submodule


Decode bottle.request.body to JSON.

Returns:Structure decoded by json.loads().
Return type:obj
Raises:HTTPError – 400 in case the data was malformed.

Return prettified JSON data, set response.content_type to application/json; charset=utf-8.

Parameters:data (any) – Any basic python data structure.
Returns:Data converted to prettified JSON.
Return type:str
bottle_rest.bottle_rest.form_to_params(fn=None, return_json=True)

Convert bottle forms request to parameters for the wrapped function.

Parameters:return_json (bool, default True) – Should the decorator automatically convert returned value to JSON?

Convert TypeError to bottle.HTTPError with 400 code and message about wrong parameters.

Raises:HTTPError – 400 in case too many/too little function parameters were given.
bottle_rest.bottle_rest.json_to_data(fn=None, return_json=True)

Decode JSON from the request and add it as data parameter for wrapped function.

Parameters:return_json (bool, default True) – Should the decorator automatically convert returned value to JSON?
bottle_rest.bottle_rest.json_to_params(fn=None, return_json=True)

Convert JSON in the body of the request to the parameters for the wrapped function.

If the JSON is list, add it to *args.

If dict, add it to **kwargs in non-rewrite mode (no key in **kwargs will be overwritten).

If single value, add it to *args.

Parameters:return_json (bool, default True) – Should the decorator automatically convert returned value to JSON?

Decorator used to output prettified JSON.

response.content_type is set to application/json; charset=utf-8.

Parameters:fn (fn pointer) – Function returning any basic python data structure.
Returns:Data converted to prettified JSON.
Return type:str